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The 27th AIRAPT International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology



Raman mapping of high pressure phases of the olivine group in the Paranaíba meteorite

Bruno Tavares de Oliveira Abagaro (UECE/FAFIDAM - Universidade Estadual do Ceará, Faculdade de Filosofia Dom Aureliano Matos) ; Alexandre Farrapo Campos (UFC - Universidade Federal do Ceará) ; Mairton Cavalcante Romeu (IFCE - Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará ) ; Alexandre Rocha Paschoal (UFC - Universidade Federal do Ceará) ; Paulo de Tarso Cavalcante Freire (UFC - Universidade Federal do Ceará) ; Maria Elizabeth Zucolotto (LABET/MN/UFRJ - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Museu Nacional)


The characterization of mineral phases produced naturally by the effect of shock metamorphism (high pressures and high temperatures) on ordinary chondrite meteorites supports the study of the formation of minerals and phase transitions under high pressures that occurs on rocky planets' interior, besides provides a better understanding of the impact events on the meteorite parent bodies. We present results of a characterization by Raman spectroscopy of mineral phases in the Brazilian meteorite Paranaíba, an L ordinary chondrite (Petrological Type 6 and shock scale S6) characterized by the presence of dark parts severely altered by the action of shock (shock veins). We have identified by Raman spectroscopy, after a series of measurements at several points in the sample, some accessory minerals, the mineral phases olivine and orthopyroxene which are the major mineral phases in the Paranaíba meteorite as well as the olivine high pressure polymorphs: ringwoodite and wadsleyte in a shock vein. Through the Raman mapping we visualize the surface distribution of the mineral phases olivine and orthopyroxene. Raman images obtained clearly showed the surface distribution of ringwoodite polymorph delimited by olivine and orthopyroxene. While estimates of Fayalite (Fa) content using the spectral analysis of the Raman bands are consistent with previous results of electron microprobe analysis for the olivine phase of Paranáiba meteorite, slightly larger estimates of the Fa content were obtained for the ringwoodite phase. These results are consistent with the expected shock metamorphism process and are probably related to the diffusion of Fe-Mg that occurs in the shock-induced melting process. The authors acknowledge the financial support provided by Brazilian Agencies CNPq, CAPES, FUNCAP.