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The 27th AIRAPT International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology



Development of a piston cylinder high-pressure cell for a miniaturized plastic 3He-refrigarator and beyond

Julio Larrea (DMFT IF USP - Department of Physics Materials and Mechanics, Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo) ; Henrique Fabrelli (DMFT IF USP - Department of Physics Materials and Mechanics, Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo) ; Jefferson Alburquerque (DMFT IF USP - Department of Physics Materials and Mechanics, Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo) ; Valentina Martelli (DMFT IF USP - Department of Physics Materials and Mechanics, Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo) ; Armando Paduan-filho (DMFT IF USP - Department of Physics Materials and Mechanics, Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo)


High-pressure is currently shown as a clean and powerful extreme condition to synthesize new generation of high-tech materials [1] as well as to tune physical properties to uncover novel quantum states in strongly correlated electron systems [2].

The development of experimental methods under combined effects of extreme conditions - high-pressure, very low temperatures and intensive magnetic fields- are highly required, however, difficult to reach. One of the most complex issue to deal with is the design and the manufacture of high-pressure cell apparatus to fit versatilely into different cryogenic systems provided by a magnet with the aim to cover different range of temperatures and magnetic fields. In addition, under the context of variable temperature measurements, it also relevant to use the appropriate pressure transmitting medium in order to avoid artifact effect in the measured physical properties resulting when the pressure is cooling down [3].

Here, we present results on the development of home-built piston cylinder-pressure cell to be used into miniaturized plastic 3He refrigerator (PVC-3He) as well other type of helium liquid and dry-cooler systems, in a pressure range up to 10 kbar. The challenge is to make versatile our pressure cell under two different way of thermalization. While for the PVC-3He the pressure cell is completely immersed into the 3He-bath, for other systems the thermalization occurs as cold-finger thermal contact.

Finally, we also report the ex-situ pressure calibration following the variation of Pb metal electrical resistance at room temperature (RT) and the measurement of the Pb superconducting transition (Tc) at low temperature. By comparison with other liquid pressure medium [3], we realize that the used liquid Kerosene (Aldrich) is a good pressure medium to keep hydrostatic conditions even at low temperatures. From the change of the volume compression of this medium as function of pressure, we could estimate the Bulk modulus of kerosene, a value that has not reported yet.   


[1] C. Sekine, et al. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 56, 05FA09 (2017).

[2] M. E. Zayed, J. Larrea J, et al. Nature Physics 13, 962 (2017).

[3] M. S. Torikachvili, et al . Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86, 123904 (2015).

            J. Larrea J. acknowledges to CNPq-Universal (431083/2018-5) and FAPESP. A. Paduan and H. Fabrelli also acknowledge to FAPESP projeto tematico (2015/16191-5) and CNPq.