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The 27th AIRAPT International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology



Nuclear magnetic resonance analysis and activation energy spectrum of the irreversible structural relaxation of amorphous zirconium tungstate

Fernanda Miotto (UCS - Universidade de Caxias do Sul) ; Giovani Luis Rech (UCS - Universidade de Caxias do Sul) ; Agueda Maria Turatti (FURG - Universidade Federal de Rio Grande) ; Jadna Catafesta (UCS - Universidade de Caxias do Sul) ; Janete Eunice Zorzi (UCS - Universidade de Caxias do Sul) ; Altair Sória Pereira (UFRGS - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul) ; Cláudio Antonio Perottoni (UCS - Universidade de Caxias do Sul)


Zirconium tungstate (ZrW2O8 ) is a ceramic material which exhibits several unusual behaviours, including negative thermal expansion, pressure-induced amorphization (between 1.5 GPa and 2.0 GPa) and anomalous endothermic recrystallization when the amorphous phase (a-ZrW2O8) is heated to temperatures above 600°C at room pressure. An irreversible exothermic structural relaxation precedes the endothermic recrystallization of a-ZrW2O8. This relaxation is characterized by a continuous activation energy spectrum. In this work we explore the mechanism of structural relaxation of the amorphous phase of zirconium tungstate, aiming to determine if this phenomenon involves the breaking of the W-O bonds formed during amorphization. For this purpose, x-ray diffraction, 17O magic-angle spinning NMR, Raman, and far-infrared analyses were performed on samples of amorphous zirconium tungstate previously annealed to increasingly higher temperatures, looking for any evidence of features that could be assigned to the presence of terminal oxygen atoms. No evidence of single-bonded oxygen was found before the onset of recrystallization. Furthermore, the kinetics of the structural relaxation of a−ZrW2O8 is consistent with a continuous spectrum of activation energy, spanning all the range from 1 to 2.5 eV. These findings suggest that the structural relaxation of amorphous zirconium tungstate is irreversible but is not accompanied by W-O bond breaking. It is probably characterized by a succession of (mostly) irreversible local atomic rearrangements.

The support from the Brazilian agencies CNPq - grants 304831/2014-0 (CAP) and 304675/2015-6 (JEZ), PRONEX/FAPERGS, and CAPES - Finance Code 001 is gratefully acknowledged. Thanks are also due to Netzsch Ger¨atebau GmbH (Germany), Jim Walker (Wah Chang Co., Albany, OR), for the sample of zirconium tungstate used in this work, Aline Lima de Oliveira (Universidade de Bras´ılia, Brazil), who carried out the NMR measurements reported in this work.