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The 27th AIRAPT International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology



In-situ high-pressure X-ray diffraction study on the influence of the dopant element in the elastic properties of SnO2 nanoparticles

Sergio Ferrari (INTECIN - Universidad de Buenos Aires, Consejo Nacional de lnvestigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Instituto de Tecnología y Ciencias de la Ingeniería “Ing. Hilario Fernández Long”) ; Vitaliy Bilovol (INTECIN - Universidad de Buenos Aires, Consejo Nacional de lnvestigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Instituto de Tecnología y Ciencias de la Ingeniería “Ing. Hilario Fernández Long”) ; Laura Gabriela Pampillo (INTECIN - Universidad de Buenos Aires, Consejo Nacional de lnvestigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Instituto de Tecnología y Ciencias de la Ingeniería “Ing. Hilario Fernández Long”) ; Florencia Grinblat (DF-FIUBA - Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ingeniería, Departamento de Física) ; Daniel Errandonea (ICMUV - Departamento de Física Aplicada, Institut Universitari de Ciència dels Materials, Universitat de Valencia) ; Catalin Popescu (ALBA-CELLS - ALBA-CELLS Synchrotron Light Facility)


In this work we present a comparison of the elastic properties of tin dioxide (undoped and doped with different transition metals) nanoparticles obtained by co-precipitation technique. The samples with stoichiometry SnO2 [1], Sn0.95V0.05O2 [2], Sn0.95Co0.05 and Sn0.9Fe0.1O2 [1] were subjected to High Pressure in a Diamond Anvil Cell (DAC) and studied by in-situ X-ray diffraction, being LNLS (Brazil) or ALBA (Spain) the synchrotrons used as the source of the X-ray radiation. The analysis of the X-ray patterns acquired at different pressures allowed the evaluation of axial and volume compressibility of the mentioned samples. We find that Co-doped tin dioxide is the less compressible one, with the lowest linear compressibilities (Ka = 1.723 x10-3 GPa-1 and Kc = 0.783 x 10-3 GPa-1 ) values and the highest bulk modulus (B0 = 2276 GPa) which is 13% bigger than the one obtained for the undoped sample.


[1] “Compressibility and structural behavior of pure and Fe-doped SnO2 nanocrystals ”, F. Grinblat , S. Ferrari, L. G. Pampillo, F. D. Saccone, D. Errandonea, D. Santamaria-Perez , A. Segura, R. Vilaplana , C. Popescu, Solid State Sciences 64 (2017), p. 91-98.

[2] “Characterization of V-Doped SnO2 Nanoparticles at Ambient and High Pressures”, S. Ferrari, V. Bilovol, L.G. Pampillo, F. Grinblat, F.D Saccone, D.Errandonea, Mater. Res. Express 5 (2018), 125005, p. 1-10.